ensure nutritious, pesticide-free food for your family.. even when others struggle to feed theirs..
download your free aquaponics ebook and take back control of your food source!

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Murray Hallam's
Beginning Aquaponics
Your Guide Into The Greenhouse


You are what you eat.. 


and it’s no secret that our food is increasingly contaminated with toxic chemicals, pollutants, and harmful substances.


Even if you intentionally shop for organic produce, can you really be sure that it hasn’t been drenched in Round-Up or other toxic pesticides?


Not only that, according to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, our fruit and vegetables have less nutritional value than they did 50 years ago.

Tomatoes from your grocery store have most likely been picked when green...

Which destroys any antioxidants..

Then, they're frozen or covered in wax for transportation...

Before being trucked across the country, or even shipped overseas...!  

Ethylene gas is then used to artificially ripen them to give a uniform red color.


This means store bought produce has 

❌ less nutrients... 

❌ less flavor.... 

❌ less antioxidants... 

❌ more toxins...

❌ more chemicals..

❌ and fewer vitamins and minerals... 

Than what our grandparents ate...


We have all heard that figures like Bill Gates are buying up more and more farmland... 

and corporations like Monsanto have their fists tightly gripped on the supply of seeds...

Along with that, an alarming spate of suspicious fires have recently broken out in food processing centers in the United States, Europe, and Australia... 

limiting the supply of foods we once all took for granted...


But what if you could wrestle back control of your family’s food supply, ensuring it’s always nutritious, always toxin-free, and abundant - forever?


What if you could know for certain that your food was 100% pesticide-free... 

and that you alone controlled the amount and timing of the harvest?

Aquaponics is the sustainable and affordable solution, combining the growing of fish (aquaculture) and plants to grow your own thriving organic, nutrient dense food supply, year round...


This gives you and your family control of your own private supply of fish and vegetables that efficiently grow at the most optimum rates.


Say goodbye to tasteless cucumbers...

limp lettuce...

aenemic papaya...

and dried out herbs that the store charged you a fortune for...


Instead, you will always have access to the freshest, most nutrient-dense food possible...


Including fresh fish like trout, or perch, or tilapia...

And fruits like tomatoes that are giant, firm, and full of flavor... 


Lettuce that has a definite crunch to it... 

Crisp cucumbers, and hot hot chillis... 

Along with papaya, strawberries, and delicious melons....

And best of all, you can be certain they are healthy, fresh, organic, and nutritious.

Download Your Copy Now!

For 18 years Murray Hallam has been the go-to source of aquaponics knowledge for the world, creating his iconic Aquaponics Made Easy DVD series, as well as his gold-standard online and in-person courses. 


Through his innovation of growing techniques and system design, Murray turned aquaponics from what was once a fringe hobby for a few enthusiasts, into a commercial industry feeding hundreds of thousands of people globally.


In this FREE ebook, Murray lays out an easy to understand guide to get you started on the road to food independence and self-sufficiency.

Ensure your family’s health and well-being...

Download Your Copy Now!


When it comes to growing nutrient dense and toxin-free fish and plants with aquaponics, you need a lot of specialized knowledge. 


Without this specialized knowledge, you are likely to have your fish die and your crops fail. Most often, people are too overwhelmed to even build their first aquaponics system, and never even get started..


Don't let that be you!


In this FREE ebook, Murray Hallam demystifys aquaponics. He gives you all the information needed to take control of your family’s food source and grow nutritious, organic, pesticide-free food!

In this book, you will learn:

How to set up your first aquaponics system, including common components and parts.

Different types of grow media and their benefits, including floating raft, 

wicking beds, and media beds.

How to get the nitrogen cycle started in your system, what levels you need 

for nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia and how to measure

Common issues affecting fish and plants, including the ideal ratio of 

fish to growing area

Weekly and daily tasks to maintain your system

The ideal pH range and ammonnia levels for optimum system health 

plus much more!

Ensure the health and well-being of your family by growing your own THRIVING Aquaponics system..

Download Your Free Copy Now!